to the
Shambhala Meditation Group
WNY Southtowns
Our Shambhala Group is a not-for-profit coordinated by all volunteers, and is part of Shambhala’s international community of meditation groups and retreat centers.
· Everyone is welcome to join us for sitting meditation – we welcome all traditions.
· We recognize Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche as the Founder of Shambhala, and his son, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche as the present day Lineage Holder.
· The Shambhala Buddhist Tradition combines the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism with the Shambhala principles of living in the world with courage and compassion.
· If you have never practiced meditation before, nor had formal meditation instruction, please ask one of the meditation facilitator or one of the volunteers for more information on getting basic meditation instruction. We welcome you to join us on a more regular basis for our evening or morning sittings.
· We graciously accept donations which contribute to the upkeep of the Shambhala shrine room, purchase of meditation supplies, bringing in Shambhala teachers and coordination of the Shambhala weekend retreats, and general operations.
· If you would like to be included on our email list, please add your name to our list on the email clipboard or send an email to the Shambhala Meditation Group of East Aurora.
· All the facilitators have completed the first three levels of Shambhala Training. If you would like more information on formal Shambhala meditation training, please visit Shambhala.
· For an excellent book on the introduction to Shambhala, we suggest Turning Your Mind into an Ally by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.
· The facilitators of the sitting and book club are volunteers and not necessarily meditation instructors or Shambhala teachers. Our group invites Shambhala teachers from other locations and regions to join us to share the teachings of this lineage and these events are listed on our blog site.
· Please let us know if you have an interest in volunteering or assisting the group is some way. There are many opportunities to get involved.
· To keep informed of what is happening in our Shambhala group, please tune into our blog at Shambhala Meditation Group of WNY Southtowns.
The Shambhala Center of WNY Southtowns~
Craig Zink, Facilitator-at-Large, Jean Gunner, Outreach & Communications and Dennis Pack, Web Administrator